
The GWCPC is happy to offer car seat installation education services! ​
This program offers education to help keep children safe while travelling on B.C. roads.
Our volunteers are certified by BCAA
There is a sliding scale of a $25.00 donation
Contact the GWCPC to schedule an appointment
The appointment takes approximately one hour and our certified volunteers will go over the following:​
A review of your car owner's manual for child car seat recommendations
Viewing of the BCAA 'Installing an infant (child) car seat and Securing an infant (child) car seat' videos
A review of your car seat manual
Best location for car seat
Position of car seat handle
Correct belt path
Tightness and angle of seat
Chest clip level
Quick release for car seat and base
Harness level and tightness
Tether location
Additional car seat accessories
*Please note this is an education service, not an installation service and that there will be "hands on" learning, so please make childcare arrangements for this appointment