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Outreach initiatives develop the relationship between the GWCPC and the community. Program activities are delivered by volunteers, staff and the Neighbourhood Police Officer through support and participation in a wide range of events. 

Goals of the Community Outreach Program:


  • Educate the public about crime prevention

  • Provide information on reporting crime and quality of life concerns to the VPD, City and the GWCPC

  • Provide events that encourage neighbours to know one another

  • Build relationships with other community organizations


Every year in September, the GWCPC hosts its signature back-to-school safety event, “Cops, Kids & Commercial Drive,” at Grandview Park. Last year over 500 children and their parents attended our event.

Cops & Kids often includes visits from VPD patrol officers with their emergency vehicles, the Motorcycle Squad, the Marine Squad, VPD and Transit Police Dog Squads, Vancouver Fire and Rescue, BC Ambulance Paramedics, and displays from E-Comm/9-1-1, the City of Vancouver’s Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Plan and the Vancouver Police Museum.



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In addition to prevention displays on car seat safety, internet safety, and pedestrian & traffic safety, the GWCPC demonstrates all its outreach program activities from helping create Child ID booklets, and a, “Bike Rodeo,” road safety course, to the Mini Police Officers Physical Abilities Test that helps encourage kids to be more active and experience a timed obstacle course like Vancouver Police recruits. Entertainment often includes a magic show, face painting, live music and a free hot dog lunch for children. Over 50 GWCPC volunteers contribute countless hours to organize and host this 3 hour event.



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